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 When I started my blog, I had to learn from scratch because I didn’t have anyone to hold my hands as I navigated the world of blogging.

That is why I have decided to help mums like me who are struggling with creating content for their blog posts. As a busy mom, starting a blog might seem like a daunting task, but if this is something you are passionate about, you should be ready to invest time and effort into pursuing this path.

You should know that your blog is not confined to only mom stories, you can tell your story in between blog posts as this will help you build a community that will connect and relate with you on a deeper level but you don’t have to make it just a storytelling session, remember to make sure you leave a lesson with each post you make. You can incorporate your struggles as a busy mom and share tips on how you overcame such struggles.

You can share your expertise on certain matters, like a previous career and how you navigated it.

 Another way to go about building community is by setting up group projects that require active engagement, as this will help your community members feel like they belong.

Creating content for your blog can be quite a hectic job, but having strategies in place can cut down the time you spend on creating one piece of content.

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Before you start your blog, you must have decided on what your blog will be about, the message you will pass, and how it will be of impact to your community. But there is a difference between knowing what message you want to pass and how to pass it clearly to your audience.

Deciding on your head topic is the straightforward part, but creating content around it is quite a feat. Content creation involves various processes, from the research stage to the final creative point it requires a lot of work which can get overwhelming for you as a busy mom that is the reason I will outline steps to help make your content creation process easier and faster.

Here are four ways you can create content faster and easier for your blog or your social media platforms


Before you start your blog, research extensively on what you wish to teach people about. Research on different topics and sub-topics under your niche, check blog posts similar to what you will share, learn how the posts are constructed and how relatable the blog posts are.

One huge resource point is the Pinterest app which shows you blog posts that share the same keywords as yours. One way to use it is by typing in a phrase or word into the search bar. This will pop up related topics with tiles underneath that suggest other categories you can use to create multiple blog posts.


After your research, group your main points under each head topic, write different sub-topics that will break down your information into readable bits that won’t bore your readers. Let me give you an example.  Say you wish to talk about healthy eating for the family. Your subtopics could be

o  How to prepare foods that promote healthy eating,

o Meal rations that ensure a healthy meal,

o   breakfast ideas for healthy eating,

o   food sources that contain essential nutrients,

o  Unhealthy meals that can affect your family’s health.

The aim of this is to help you pass across your message clearly and easily to your readers.


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Have a goal for each month, especially if you are just starting up. You need to have a plan that drives your content flow for the month. you can incorporate most holidays into your post to make it seasonal and more relatable. Your plan could follow this pattern,

o  January: Blog Visibility

o  February: Growth

o  March: Engagement

o  April: Building community

o  May:  Helping the community understand the purpose of your blog.

o  June: Monetizing community

o  July-October: Content that clarifies niche message.

o  November to December:  Hold a challenge to grow audience trust and belief in your expertise.


You know how you prep meals ahead of the week or how you stock up on house essentials so you don’t unexpectedly run out of these things well it is the same with your blog post content you need to have at least 10 blog posts ready for each new month.

Let us say for that month you want to talk about managing stress as a mom, then your blog posts can be:

o  Stress Indicators,

o  Coping with stress

o  Factors that promote stress at home.

o  Signs of burnout

o  Self-care for busy moms

Now that you have learned the basics of content creation, there are other basics you need to cover for your blog to run successfully.

Your first blog posts should be focused on creating awareness and solving a problem for your readers. This will make them lean towards you for more guidance.

Getting their attention is one thing, but sustaining it requires work. That is why you need to use emotions to creatively write your blog posts and incorporate images to give them a brighter. outlook use questions to make your blog posts interactive.

As a busy mom, multitasking is second nature to you, and you are always strategizing and planning, be it family time or school activities, you have clearly learned to maximize time and yield excellent results. You can implement this superpower in your content creation journey by letting your natural instincts take charge and help you become more proficient in creating relevant content for your blog.

If you have decided to make blogging your money income stream, the first thing you need to do is to get over the guilt of not letting your whole life revolve around taking care of your family. You should have in mind that this decision is in favor of them in the long run, the best way to make sure that your family and work are not suffering is to craft a schedule where everything is fitted into the relevant time frame that won’t clash. A family calendar where each person’s activities are taken down into the calendar to aid a smooth interface within the family.

You can use your blogging time as a family creative time, as you type away on your keyboard you can set the kids up with educative games or with their schoolwork. This is to ensure that everyone is engaged and no one feels lefts out.

For day-to-day activities, you can plan it in such a way that everyone plays an active role in the home from carrying out chores to grocery shopping, meal preps, and housecleaning.

Another way to beat the content creation challenge is to utilize apps that will drastically cut down production time. These apps help you plan and schedule your posts. They make the process of creation easier and more efficient without taking away your creative element. Examples of such apps include Grammarly for word checks, notes app to write ideas while you are on the go, dictionary to make sure you are using the right words, and lots more. These apps help make your writing eligible and presentable.

Set a consistent tone for your readers. It is the patterns you weave they get acquainted with, hence the need to set up a friendly and relaxed tone that will give them a welcoming feel whenever they visit your page. Another way to be warm and inviting is by sharing what the blog is about, the driving force behind it, and how you plan on using it to help make their lives better. Have an about page that quickly tells them what you are about and how your journey started.

For every blog post, you need to have a table of content that could be personal and for your eyes only, it will be the framework to guide your content flowchart. Or you could include it in the blog post to give them an insight into what they can expect from the blog post.

In conclusion, don’t be discouraged by the workload involved in content creation, rather face it head-on and do the work one day at a time. The road to monetizing your blog is not a get-rich scheme, so bear through and make each blog post count.

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